January 15, 2025

CA Cancer J Clin

CA Cancer J Clin. GC was correlated with tumour size, AJCC stage, depth of invasion and survival time. In addition, apoptosis and growth arrest Cetirizine can be induced in vitro after knockdown of lncRNA MYOSLID, which inhibits tumorigenesis in mouse xenografts in vivo. Further in\depth studies revealed that lncRNA MYOSLID acts as a ceRNA of miR\29c\3p, resulting in de\repression of its downstream target gene MCL\1. Conclusion The lncRNA MYOSLID\miR\29c\3p\MCL\1 axis plays a key role in the development of GC. Our findings may provide potential new targets for the diagnosis and treatment of human GC. hybridizationtest. A value?CCND3 suggest that MCL\1 promotes GC growth. Open in a separate window Figure 7 Mcl\1 expression is up\regulated in gastric cancer tissues and promotes gastric cancer cell growth. A, The knockdown efficiency of MCL\1 was determined by Western blotting in SGC\7901 and BGC\823 cells. B, MCL\1 mRNA levels were determined by real\time quantitative PCR in MCL\1 knockdown SGC\7901 and BGC\823 cells. C, Scrambled siRNA or si\MCL\1 was transfected into SGC\7901 and BGC\823 cells, and cell Cetirizine proliferation ability was measured by CCK8. D, Scrambled siRNA or si\MCL\1 was transfected into SGC\7901 and BGC\823 cells and used to detect apoptosis rate by flow cytometry. E, Scrambled siRNA or si\MCL\1 was transfected into SGC\7901 and BGC\823 cells, and cell cycle was analysed by flow cytometry. F, The proliferation ability of the cells was determined by CCK8 after co\transfection of si\MCL\1, miR\29c\3p inhibitor or scrambled siRNA in SGC\7901 and BGC\823 cells. G, Cetirizine The proliferation ability of the cells was determined by colony formation assay Cetirizine after co\transfection of si\MCL\1, miR\29c\3p inhibitor or scrambled siRNA in SGC\7901 and BGC\823 cells. Values represent the mean??SEM of three independent experiments. *and in experiments demonstrated that after knockdown of lncRNA MYOSLID, cell proliferation and tumour growth were significantly inhibited and apoptosis was significantly increased, while overexpression of lncRNA MYOSLID promoted cell proliferation. These findings indicated that lncRNA MYOSLID plays a carcinogenic role in gastric tumorigenesis and can be considered as a potential prognostic indicator of.