February 18, 2025

In the univariate analysis of TTP, the next variables were included: age 65 years; age group 35 years; tumour stage at principal medical diagnosis (localized versus metastatic); grading (1,2 versus 3); histological subtype (ductal versus lobular carcinoma); hormone receptor position (oestrogen and/or progesterone receptor positive versus harmful); metastatic sites (non-visceral just versus visceral participation); variety of metastatic sites (1 versus 2; 2 versus 2); time for you to disease recurrence a year following principal treatment; trastuzumab from medical diagnosis of metastatic disease; response (CR + PR) to first-line trastuzumab treatment; and appearance of brand-new metastatic sites upon development on first-line trastuzumab

In the univariate analysis of TTP, the next variables were included: age 65 years; age group 35 years; tumour stage at principal medical diagnosis (localized …