February 18, 2025


5C)34,35. Open in a separate window Figure 4 Cloning strategy for the development of two parasite lines expressing CSP VK210 or VK247.(A) Schematic representation describing the generation of Daminozide (2196cl1 and 2199cl1) chimeric lines. high level cross-protection against parasites expressing either CSP allele, which provide accessible and affordable models suitable to support the development of vaccines candidates. Rv21 is usually progressing to GMP production and has joined a path towards clinical evaluation. malaria poses a major health risk to 2.85 billion people worldwide living in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions1. is the most widely distributed human malaria parasite in the world and considered to be the most difficult to control and eliminate from endemic regions. This is largely due to the parasites ability to remain latent in the liver of infected people to subsequently reactivate, weeks to years after an initial contamination2,3. sporozoites enter the blood stream through an infectious mosquito bite and quickly migrate to invade the liver. This pre-erythrocytic stage is an attractive vaccine target4 used by leading vaccine candidates. This includes the most advanced malaria vaccine RTS,S in the adjuvant AS01. This vaccine aims to prevent a contamination by stimulating immune responses against the major sporozoite surface antigen, circumsporozoite protein (CSP). Daminozide RTS,S/AS01 has undergone extensive clinical testing and has been shown to induce significant protective immunity CSF1R against in phase III trials5. The homologous CSP protein of (PvCSP) is also actively being investigated as a component of a pre-erythrocytic vaccine against circulating worldwide6,7,8,9,10. The evaluation of the protective efficacy of vaccine candidates and vaccine formulations has greatly benefited from immunization-challenges studies performed in clinical trials using wild-type parasites in controlled human malaria contamination (CHMI) studies6,9,11,12,13,14. A similar direct evaluation of vaccines and protective immunity against in CHMI studies has recently been reported7. This has been achieved despite the difficulty of working with cultures15,16,17,18, and the lack of a safe and effective way to clear latent forms (hypnozoites) from the liver. While a non-human primate (parasite has been generated where the type 1 repeat region of PvCSP has been incorporated into the endogenous CSP, and these parasites have been used to examine the role of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and virus-like particles (VLP)-based immunization in protection against a sporozoite contamination in mice21,22. However, only the repeat region of VK210 has been used and the CSP epitopes contained in the regions outside of this repeat are absent, thus limiting the use of these parasites in vaccine studies to only those candidates with VK210 epitopes within the repeat region. Here we report the development of two rodent challenge models suitable to assess the protective efficacy of different PvCSP-based vaccine candidates. In these transgenic parasite lines, VK210 or VK247 CSP. Sporozoites of these transgenic parasites were used to challenge mice that were previously immunized with various clinically relevant vaccine candidates, expressing or presenting PvCSP that contained regions from VK210 or VK247 or both. An effective approach to generate protective immunity against in both animal models and in human volunteers consists of sequential immunization or Daminozide heterologous prime-boost regimes with different viral-vectored vaccines to achieve high frequencies of antigen-specific T-cell responses23,24. A prime-boost regimen for malaria has been well established in both, mouse and humans, involving an initial prime immunization with the chimpanzee adenovirus 63 (ChAd63) expressing a antigen followed by a boosting immunization with a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing the same parasite antigen23,24,25. Using this approach, we tested various chimeric forms of PvCSP for efficacy against the transgenic parasites. We also developed and tested a novel VLP using the Hepatitis B surface antigen platform to present the PvCSP antigen, which we called Rv21. VLPs are known to Daminozide stimulate B cells to induce high antibody titers; indeed RTS,S/AS01 uses a similar VLP approach5, which presents a hybrid polypeptide consisting of a portion of the CSP repeat and C-terminal regions fused to the amino terminal end of the hepatitis Daminozide B virus surface (HepB-S) protein26. This VLP has a four-fold excess of HBsAg monomers in the VLP, required to allow expression of the particle in yeast. Here we report an improved VLP, called Rv21 expressed in vaccine in pre-clinical (Collins that provides protection against the two major allelic types and highlights the potential and utility of the rodent challenge model to support the development of an efficacious malaria vaccine. Results Antigen-specific cellular immune responses are not induced in mice.